Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Review: Corgi AA37604 1/72 Sikorsky CH-34C Choctaw

Corgi has been taking a lot of flack recently with the rise of HM and the like.  While some of it is justified, some of it is just gratuitous.  Whatever your take on Corgi, there's an often overlooked set of products that they have that are simply superb: their 1/72 helicopters.  Taken as a whole, there is probably no singularly more "consistently good" die-cast product line than Corgi's 1/72 choppers and the best of the bunch is thier AA376.. series of Westland Wessex / Sikorsky Choctaw aircraft.  Every one of the series is visually interesting and yet distinct enough from the others to hint at the significant clever diecast engineering that went into making the series.

Today's review is of the (at the time of this writing) the sole non-British resident of this line - AA37604, a US Army Choctaw.